• Opening Hours : Monday - Saturday, 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
  • +256788838272
  • Breed

    Boer & local mubende goats
  • Feeding

    Blend of freerange, rotational & zero grazing
  • Blood Percentages

    75% to 100%
  • Category



At Nyayo Farms, we are only using the best breeding stock to produce animals with high survivability, fertility and mothering abilities, calm disposition and adaptability, able to thrive under harsh conditions and with low quality food sometimes inevitable in a dry area. Our goats are very healthy, rapid growth, adaptability, and high fertility, making them ideal for farmers focused on maximizing both breeding output and meat

We raise our Boer goats in a natural environment using sustainable practices, including rotational grazing. This ensures their health and strength, providing superior genetics for breeding stock for farmers. Our goats are perfect for expanding herds and meeting the growing demand for premium goat meat.