• Opening Hours : Monday - Saturday, 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
  • +256788838272
  • Types

    Annual & Perennial
  • Forages

    Sugar napier, Bracharia, Rhodes grass Alfalfa, Guinea Grass, potato vines & Lab Lab
  • Fodders

    Hay, Silage, Grains & Concetrates
  • Category



We grow nutrient-rich fodder and forage designed to support the optimal growth and health of livestock. Our sustainably managed pastures provide a consistent supply of high-quality feed, making them ideal for sheep, goats, and cattle. We grow a variety of fodder and forage crops, including sugar napier, bracharia molato, rhodes grass (cloris gayana), guinea grass, lab lab etc, all known for their high nutritional value and suitability for livestock.

By offering balanced nutrition through diverse forage options, we ensure that the animals grow healthier and stronger, whether focusing on meat production or breeding. Available to local, our forage solutions help optimize livestock performance and enhance overall farm productivity for farmers.